Well, I’m steeling myself for the onslaught of humid, sticky Texas weather … It’s not even 11 a.m. here and it’s 79 degrees outside, but the humidity is making it feel like it’s 83.  We are going to get a bit of a “fond farewell” from spring tomorrow and Sunday evening, in that the high/lows will be 75/52 and 75/51.  By the time April 20 rolls around, we’re expecting a high of 83, with a low of 70.  The humidity will make it seem much warmer though, I expect.  And by summertime, it will be nothing to have highs in the upper 90’s, and even a few triple digits. 

I do so wish I had the freedom to move somewhere where the high was about 65 and the low was about 48 – 52.  You know, the kind of coolness that requires the lightest of sweaters or jackets.  Just cool enough to feel crisp and put a spring in your step, but not so chilly as to make your teeth chatter.

Hmmmm …..

9 thoughts on “Hot, Hot, Hot

  1. We have snow. /sharing
    Bleh. I would much rather have Hawaii weather, all year. That would not make me sad. I don’t have to have four seasons, but my husband does, so I don’t see us moving to Hawaii any time, soon. lol


  2. the kind of coolness that requires the lightest of sweaters or jackets.
    Now, Laura…..we get that every year…..about Jan. 21! LOL!
    Yeah….just can’t wait for the weather that feels like you are being wrapped in a heavy wet blanket….
    And then we get to do VBS in that weather.


  3. @followfreedom – I don’t mind the rain either … it’s the “rain” that hangs in the air in the form of a humid stickiness that makes me feel like I’m being smothered.  An honest to goodness rain cools things off, or at least makes you feel like it’s cooler.  And you may be part duck, but before I was married, I was Swan through and through (it was my maiden name … LOL)  Sadly, I inherited none of the grace the lovely Swan typifies.  More of a Goose.  Ha! 


  4. I know from experience that 102 degrees at 10% humidity is not all that bad… it’s the humidity here that kills me!  I hate the humidity.  I HATE the humidity.  Did I mention I hate humidity?  lol


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