Did you know what all the SPCA BC does for homeless pets?

Check out the latest info on the programs offered by the SPCA BC. This is an overview, and in future posts I’ll be doing a deep dive into each, how they work and what their objective is. Be sure to subscribe for weekly updates!

My new gig….

I have a new gig and I want to share it with you! I’m the new blogger for the SPCA of Brazoria County. Check out my first post to learn a little bit about us. I’ll be blogging weekly about our shelter and the work that the staff and volunteers do to end the homeless pet problem in our community. My goal is to post three times a week — Tuesdays (education), Thursdays (a feel good story), and Saturdays (spotlight on our staff, volunteers, or animals). I hope you will subscribe and share the mission with others!

An Absolute Train Wreck

It doesn’t seem that we are able to start the day without seeing some news report, blog post, or podcast (from conservative sources, of course) detailing the train wreck that our government has become. If you had told me ten, even twenty years ago that I’d be reading a report of cocaine found in the White House, and that its discovery had been so recklessly handled, I would have laughed in your face. Aside from Bill Clinton using the Oval for his romantic dalliances with an intern and a cigar, the majority of our elected commanders in chief have shown respect for the office to which they were elected (for the most part). This current clown and his handlers…not so much.

Senator Cotton Demanding Answers Regarding Cocaine in the White House

The article reveals some shoddy security surrounding the current “leader of the free world,” if said administration can be believed. To paraphrase: We think it came in through this door, which is not as secure as that door. WHAT? No one, and I mean NO ONE should be able to enter the White House or the White House Complex without going through stringent security. Especially when the current commander in chief is so dodderingly frail that a junior high age boy jumping out from behind a potted palm yelling “BOO!” would probably knock him over.

Read the article. It presents some important questions that need answers. Yesterday.

Thinking for Herself

I ran across this story a few minutes ago and was filled with mixed emotions. So grateful to know that there are still young adults who have critical thinking skills and the courage to research and examine issues from both sides, and so angry to know there are some educators who relish throwing buckets of water on their efforts. Because the debater was barred from referencing certain FACTS, she lost her debate.

High School Debater Takes on the Political Bias of the National Speech and Debate Association

Kudos to this young woman for shining a bright light on the censorship taking place on the high school debate stage.

The Real Issue

My husband and my daughter are both teachers who love the kids in their classes as if they were their own. I fear and pray for them in their roles as educators, and for the kids they teach. The heartbreaking tragedy in Uvalde has shaken the world yet again, leaving people to grasp desperately for answers, for solutions to protect the most vulnerable of our society, and those who dedicate their lives to those kids. Teachers’ first thoughts are not for self preservation when something like this happens. They think “how do I protect my kids?” There’s tons of stuff flying around the internet right now and I was particularly moved by this post shared by a former teacher, who is a friend and taught my now grown daughter when she was in first grade many years ago.

The Messy Christian

20 hrs  · 

Forty…thirty years ago, we didn’t have school shootings. We had kids in pick-up trucks parked out in the school parking lot with rifles hanging in the back of their truck cabs. My dad had a gun safe that was left unlocked and I know he wasn’t the only one.

Access to guns has always been around and so has mental health struggles. This leads me to believe that there has to be something else at play here. Something that goes deeper than our laws or lack thereof.

We have an issue of the heart and, friends, God is always at the heart of the matter.

When I was growing up there was a very popular saying, “God don’t make no junk.”

I saw it all the time.

Maybe we need to be letting our kids know that now. Maybe this generation needs it just as badly as we did.

When we teach kids that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by their creator, we teach them to value life. Theirs and others.

When we teach them that one day they will be held accountable for the life they’ve lived, we teach them to own their choices and make good ones because one day they will meet their maker.

When we teach them that they were born with a purpose for their lives, we give them the reason they were created.

When we teach them that they are valuable and loved because “God don’t make no junk”, we teach them that they matter and that they are somebody no matter what anybody else says.

When we teach them that there is One who reigns supreme above their life and everybody else’s, we are teaching them that the world doesn’t revolve around them, but Him.

When we teach them that there is One who cares for them more than anyone else, we give them someone to call out to when they find themselves all alone in their bedroom wondering why anything in life even matters.

These aren’t just “feel good” things to say to someone or a false sense of hope or reality.

All of creation points to our creator and we do no one any favors ignoring that fact. When we as a people get back to the heart of the matter…the heart of the Father…I believe we will truly start to see the change we all desire.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

Good Advice

While Caralyn’s blog post dealt specifically with her response to the current turmoil between people regarding the leaked opinion on Roe v. Wade, I’d say her plan could easily be applied to almost any circumstance in which one finds him or herself at passionate odds with another. I encourage you to give it a read:

Google Rolling Out Function Forcing ‘Inclusive Language’ on Users

“This speech-policing is profoundly clumsy, creepy and wrong, often reinforcing bias. Invasive tech like this undermines privacy, freedom of expression and increasingly freedom of thought.”
— Read on legalinsurrection.com/2022/04/google-rolling-out-function-forcing-inclusive-language-on-users/